February 16, 2012

CSU: For the public good

February is the beginning of the academic year for Australian universities (unlike my northern hemisphere colleagues). So, at Charles Sturt University (CSU) a lot of new year events are occurring. This week I met our new Vice Chancellor, Andrew Vann, who spoke at the Senior Women's Forum about the importance of CSU making a difference to our students' lives, and the communities in which we live. CSU has a footprint across regional New South Wales, and has nearly 40,000 students.
This week I have also had the opportunity to drive through the magnificent countryside to CSU's Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra. I have attended the professorial forum: a stimulating two days' of discussion about all aspects of university life. It is encouraging to be amongst such a diverse group of learned people who uphold the explorer Charles Sturt's (and CSU's) motto of "for the public good". This motto fits very well with the research work I am undertaking on my Future Fellowship.