May 9, 2013

Review of Multilingual Aspects of Speech Sound Disorders in Children

A review of our book “Multilingual Aspects of Speech Sound Disorders in Children” has been published in The Phonetician, Volume 105-106 (2012 I/II), pp. 121-124. The review was written by Judith Rosenhouse from Israel who wrote
"...The numerous chapters of the book present much more information than expected about the linguistic and practical problems in treating multilingual children with speech sound disorders and the possible outcomes of various linguistic interactions. Yet this is the tip of the iceberg, as the authors write, because many questions remain un-answered and unresolved, and lack of knowledge or missing research tools, assessment and treatment are noted in almost every chapter. Thus, the principal readers of this book would be practitioners in speech-language pathology, therapist, logopedists, etc. But this volume is not less important for students and researchers interested in linguistics, phonetics and/or phonology who will find here a host of interesting facts and topics for further study." (pp. 123-124)
A previous blog post containing details of the book is here