December 5, 2014

Deputy convenor of the CSU Professorial Forum

Today at the Charles Sturt University Professorial Forum I was appointed Deputy Convenor for 2015. The Professorial Forum addresses issues of teaching, research, service, and mentoring across the university and beyond. It meets 3 times per year and provides advice to Academic Senate and each meeting invites key members of the university to participate in the discussions.

Here is the description of the Professorial Forum from the CSU website:
Membership of this forum is for all Professors of the University (Level E Academic Appointments), excluding the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellors. The Professors meet annually in July with the University Council.
  • To provide advice and advocacy to the University on academic and strategic matters concerning the conduct and development of teaching and post-graduate supervision, research, and community and professional service;
  • To be a source of professorial nominees to serve on various University bodies including: Academic Senate; University Research and Management Committee; and selections and promotions to academic Level D and E positions;
  • To act as a collegial forum for Professors of the University; and
  • To advise on or participate in programs of professional development relevant to the exercise of academic leadership by Professors in the University