June 14, 2016

International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children's Speech meeting in Halifax, Canada

Today members of the International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children's Speech met in Halifax to begin our next project: to write a tutorial paper about how speech-language pathologists can provide speech intervention for multilingual children if they don't speak the language(s) as the child. The 3-hour conversation was rich and broad ranging, giving us a starting point for our work. We will hold another face-to-face meeting at the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) conference in Dublin, Ireland in August, then work with the online panel to undertake the writing phase of the project. This topic is more complex than our tutorial on assessing multilingual children, since there is less published evidence available on what to do. This makes our task even more important.
IEPMCS members from Canada, Iceland, Australia, Germany, Croatia and Fiji
Suzanne and Daniel taking notes
Dinner after the IEPMCS meeting