August 25, 2017

International Composium on Communication Disorders in Multilingual-Multicultural Populations

Between the 24th and 25th August 2017, the 5th International Composium on Communication Disorders in Multilingual-Multicultural Populations of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) is being held at the City University of Applied Sciences Bremen (HSB) in Bremen, Germany. Helen Blake, Sarah Verdon and Kate Crowe are attending.
Franklin, Sarah, Helen and Kate in Bremen

Their presentations are:
  • Blake, H. L., Bennetts-Kneebone, L., & McLeod, S. - Humanitarian Migrants’ English Language Proficiency, Self-sufficiency and Integration 
  • Crowe, K., McLeod, S. & Carty, B. - Multilingual Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Learners: Languages, Choices, and Outcomes 
  • Verdon, S. - Pathways towards Cultural Competence: The Efficacy of Professional Development Workshops in Creating Positive and Sustained Changes to Practice 
  • Verdon, S. & Zeidler, D. - Supporting Indigenous Children’s Early Communication Development through the Co-Creation of Community-Led Services